Minecraft-HK Community
交流有關 Minecraft 的最新資訊、專業教學、遊戲伺服器、相關資源及心得分享


  1. Edicine

    【10th】過千Skin°ܤ─=⊱ღ 伊甸&世外桃源 ღ⊰=─ܤ°

  2. Edicine


    我講返中文啦,真係好想有一個大少少既本地社群去交流下整skin既心得,另外既係想利用遊戲既方式去spread我地既惗法,我地既意見。如果有一個渠道,例如discord ser咁,都已經好好
  3. Edicine

    【10th】過千Skin°ܤ─=⊱ღ 伊甸&世外桃源 ღ⊰=─ܤ°

    This world is too big for these people to explore. We can tell by the title in this section. These people always claim themselves to be much more superior than the others but in fact they don't know anything about what is essential in making a skin which makes them vulnerable to realize how much...
  4. Edicine


    初來報到,自介一下先!我本身有6年整skin既經驗,不過系呢6年期間冇乜接觸HK既community, 通常系PlanetMinecraft到徘徊,所以就好想知道系本地既MC community係點樣,尤其係整skin呢一part, 希望可以發掘下MCHK skinning既人同物啦! https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/edicine/ 如果有問題就直接系度打
  5. Edicine

    【10th】過千Skin°ܤ─=⊱ღ 伊甸&世外桃源 ღ⊰=─ܤ°

    Hi想問下你用咩program整skin? 同埋整咗幾耐skin?
  6. Edicine


    I made a pepe skin that u may be interested. https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pepe-the-frog-hk-ver/
  7. Edicine

    I make skins.... ._. Here is my PlanetMinecraft account...

    I make skins.... ._. Here is my PlanetMinecraft account. https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/edicine/